Be a bold witness
Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a 6-month program designed for those who want a complete transformation of the Christian faith. The backbone of DTS is to help you dive deep into the heart of God and get trained to take part in the Great Commission.

Identity, community, signs & wonders
The full-time program is designed to help you “Know God and Make Him Known.” The course will grow your intimate relationship with God and equip you to share Him creatively and effectively with the world. It gives space for you to discover your passions and important role in God’s purposes for the world.
The DTS consists of two unique portions: the Lecture Phase and the Outreach Phase. Both phases are required in order to complete your DTS.
How does a DTS look like?
Training includes: understand the knowledge of God, learning to hear God’s voice, freedom Week (The 4 R’s), church planting, preach the 5-Point Gospel, share your testimony, have a biblical worldview, lead Bible studies, have one-on-one sessions, and local outreach.
Outreaches will involve: mercy ministry, marketplace/door-to-door evangelism, preach at churches, train on Freedom Manual & 5-Point Gospel, build relationships with local people and churches and see signs and wonders.
Customize your DTS
A track is a specific area of focus during your school. Special training time in your area of interest is scheduled into your week followed by plenty of opportunities to practice your new skills in the mission field.
Basketball & Sports
The basketball & sports track focuses on using the game of basketball to reach athletes of all nationalities with the gospel.

Arts & Entertainment
The arts & entertainment track focuses on developing talents as a tool to explain the meaning of your art and draw others into a deep vibrant relationship with God.
LEARN MORECompassion & Justice
The compassion & justice focuses on capturing the heart of God and responding to the issues of injustice, and serving the vulnerable and marginalized in the world

The classical track focuses on equipping Christians to become effective missionaries both to their local communities and to the unreached people of the world.
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